Safe Trailer

Automatically document and control exterior aspect of your vehicle

  • Liability transfer in logistics involves some obligations. Amongst them, identifying trailers and checking their exterior as they go in and out at logistic centre il a key part.
    Safe trailer smart service automates this time consuming task and allow you to quickly access to visual history of any vehicle transiting over your multiples logistics centres.
  • Limit legal disputes with transporters/shippers (liability transfer)
  • Save and classify 360° view of transiting vehicles
  • Detect damages (experimental)
  • Speed up access control process

Safe Trailer Portal application - Entry/Exit log

  • Access control

    Each vehicle or trailer identified (licence plate reader) and photographed while entering and exiting your logistic centre. Then, the event log and search engine of the Portal application allows you to quickly find and check back at the visual aspect of any vehicle that has transited.

  • Damage detection

    Safe Trailer smart service can detect damage on a trailer when entering and exiting and therefore raise an alert if a new damage occurred while present on site. Use it to alert the transporter or as a proof in case of legal dispute.

Safe Trailer service is currently available for experimentation

Plate Matching

Automatically check if truck and trailer licences plates matches

  • Trucks and trailers can be vulnerable to theft inside dedicated parking areas.
    Safe trailer service read and match the set of number plates for the truck (front) and trailer (rear) as they enter and exit a parking or logistics centre.
    If the number plates are not the same in both directions then our software will alert the gate security personnel so that they can make further checks before opening the exit gate.

  • Truck/Trailer mismatching alert
  • Prevent errors and thefts
  • Speed up access control process
  • Automatic Entry/exit log

Plate Matching Portal application - Entry/Exit log

Plate matching service is currently available for experimentation

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You want more details ? Experiment a more specific use case not yet listed here ? Do not hesitate to contact us, our team will be glad to hear from you !

More info

Elter, 5 Esplanade Compans Caffarelli - 31000 Toulouse, SAS au capital de 35 000€ - RCS Toulouse - 827690116